Roma loggers with oxen


Roma loggers with oxen


Sepia-toned image of a man with four teams of oxen standing near a partially constructed building in a heavily wooded area. A number of people stand watching on a raised platform or bridge in the background, including several with bicycles. More people stand inside the unfinished building, all looking toward the camera. A large wheel and some unidentified machinery sits at the right end of the building, while a large pile of lumber fills the space between the yoked oxen and the building. The man in the foreground wears workpants, suspenders, a dark shirt and a dark hat and has dark hair. Museum records identify the image as 'Gypsy [Roma] loggers, with oxen,' but do not give a specific location. This photo was part of the Herbert McMullen bequest. McMullen was a local photographer who, in addition to taking his own photographs, collected images that depicted daily life in the area.

Date Created

circa 1900s


copy prints




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Still Image
