Old Coffee Club building
Old Coffee Club building
Photograph of a dark, two-story wooden gabled home with white gingerbread trim. The front porch is covered, with a squared-off, shingled roof, and the posts are carved and painted white with dark interiors and white curlicues on either side where they meet the eaves. A door with a screen is just visible behind a vine on the front porch, and an open, double-hung window is directly above the porch. A bay window is visible on the side of the house, behind several bushes, and three large deciduous trees are spaced evenly down the side yard along side a boardwalk that begins in the front of the house and turns down the side. That boardwalk ends at a side entrance, which is just visible behind the vegetation. A hammock hangs between the first two trees. A poured sidewalk leads up to the main entrance of the house, with mud and vegetation visible on the other side. Boards are piled to the right of the image, and a scaffolding rises out of the picture. A large, sloped sided building dominates the background of the image, with a smaller gabled entrance featuring a white door at the front.
[Back] Old Coffee Club building, N. Second Ave. between Lincoln and Jackson. Now Coffee club cottage occupies the site. This house was owned by Vaught family in 1900. Hillsboro water tower at right. Donor Verne McKinney, May 4, 1965, Given to Museum.
Date Created
circa 1950s
photographic prints
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