1926 Clean-Up Day Group Photograph


1926 Clean-Up Day Group Photograph


A photograph of a group of students on Clean-up Day at Pacific University on October 26th, 1926. Clean-Up Day was a long-held tradition at Pacific University. One day a year in late fall, students and staff would gather at Marsh Hall before repairing and beautifying the campus. Students would often dress as hobos, farmers or cross-dress. During the 1926 Clean-up Day, captains were assigned different portions of campus to clean. They were in charge of directing a crew to clean their designated area. Once the captain felt a worker had done his or her part, the worker was given a meal ticket. After the clean-up was completed a large meal was served in McCormick hall for all students that had received a ticket. This photograph appears in an album that was compiled by Edith Hansen McGill, a 1930 Pacific University graduate.






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