Drawings of the Kansas and Wyoming scenery on the Oregon Trail


Drawings of the Kansas and Wyoming scenery on the Oregon Trail


Drawings by Pherne Brown Pringle, the daughter of Tabitha Moffatt Brown, the 'Mother of Oregon.' These sketches feature the scenery in Kansas and the desert in Wyoming during her family's journey on the Oregon Trail. Copies of later drawings were accompanied in an album by journal entries of Pherne's husband, Virgil K. Pringle.
Virgil's journal indicates that they traveled through the Wyoming desert around September 7th:
'Ten started, the last stage of the desert; our stock weak, and working badly -- getting very little water, and nothing to eat. Arrived at Black Rock, at 8 in the evening. Left 2 steers belonging to Collins on the road -- they being too weak to come in -- and plenty of first rate grass. This desert is perfectly sterile, producing nothing but greas-wood and sage; and some of it perfectly barren, and the ground very salt; the road good and level and generally firm; the mountains barren and dark-looking rocks.'






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