Drawings of the departure from Ash Hollow on the Oregon Trail


Drawings of the departure from Ash Hollow on the Oregon Trail


Drawings by Pherne Brown Pringle, the daughter of Tabitha Moffatt Brown, the 'Mother of Oregon.' These sketches feature the scenery after departing from Ash Hollow, Nebraska during her family's journey on the Oregon Trail. Copies of later drawings were accompanied in an album by journal entries of Pherne's husband, Virgil K. Pringle.
Virgil's journal indicates that they arrived at Ash Hollow on June 13th:
'Our encampment last night was with the company that lost stock, and our travel today with them, which was all the chance excepting laying by; there being no chance for water till we arrive at the mouth of Ash Hollow on the North Fork. The road down Ash Creek, bad, for 3 or 4 miles. Arrived at the North Fork at 7 o'clock; found currants and choke-cherries plenty, and a fine spring near the mouth of Ash creek; and a cabin called Ash Grove Hotel; inside, at the bar, we found the cards of all the companies that had preceded us, which was quite a treat. The distance from one fork to the other, 15 miles. Day fine, road dry and dusty.'






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