1868 Meeting Minutes of the Congregational Association of Oregon


1868 Meeting Minutes of the Congregational Association of Oregon


One part of a record book compiled by the Congregational Association of Oregon, with this part containing the minutes of the annual meeting held in 1868. The Association's members were church ministers and other delegates from Oregon and bordering areas. They met annually to share reports, promote Christian education, support special projects and address internal disputes. Some of the topics covered in this part of the record book include: -- Acceptance of routine reports; -- Report recommending "The Pacific," a religious newspaper published in San Francisco; -- Report of the Committee on Home Missions, noting that Thomas Condon had not been able to fulfil the role of Agent for the American Home Missionary Society (AHMS), and also noting that Oregon City needed a minister; -- Resolution recommending Obed Dickinson to become the AHMS Agent; -- Report of the Committee on Temperance, noting that church members were required to abstain from drinking alcohol and recommending the creation of youth Temperance Societies; -- Creation of a Committee on the American Bible Society; -- "Report on the Religious Condition of the Country" by George H. Atkinson, noting that only a small minority of Oregonians attended any church regularly; -- "Narrative of the Churches" by Horace Lyman, reflecting on the past twenty years and describing present challenges; -- Resolution regarding proper editions of the Bible; -- Resolution in support of missionary work among freed slaves in the South; -- Resolution in favor of a State Sunday School Convention; -- Resolution supporting Christian teachers in common schools; -- Statistics of member churches.

Date: Display








Pacific University Archives

