Stanup letter requesting room and board information about Tualatin Academy


Stanup letter requesting room and board information about Tualatin Academy


This April 7, 1882 letter from Peter Stanup, a Puyallup native, requests details about attending Tualatin Academy. The Academy was the college preparatory high school attached to Pacific University. Stanup had attended the Forest Grove Indian Training School from about 1880-1881. At that time, he had met several professors at Pacific University, which was near the Indian School and shared some staff with it. Though Stanup had returned to the Puyallup Agency around 1881, the next year he sought admission to Tualatin Academy in order to become a preacher. This letter is addressed to Joseph W. Marsh, the brother of Pacific University's first president and its first librarian. Stanup requests information about the cheapest room and board that would be available to him. A note in Marsh's hand indicates that the cost of attending would probably by 'about $200' but the school 'will probably give him his tuition.' Stanup was ultimately unable to attend the Academy due to eye problems, but managed to study enough theology to become a licensed Presbyterian preacher at the Puyallup Agency.


Stanup, Peter


Off-reservation boarding schools
Native American Studies
Chemawa Indian School


Forest Grove, Oregon





Forest Grove Indian School Collection, Pacific University Archives



Other Media

United States Indian Service, Puyallup Agency, April 7th, 1882.
Prof. J. W. Marsh, Forest Grove, Or.

Dear Friend:

I know you would be willing to help me in my trying to procure a sufficient education to fit me for the work among [my] race. I ask you this favor, how much a week or month would be the cheapest place for board & lodging? I want to know the exact amount it would cost me for 9 months in school there. I would not be ready to go there till next fall.

Please answer soon and send me a copy of the School's catalogue and oblige. We are all well at present.

Please remember me kindly to Profs. Ferrin, and Lyman.

Yours in haste,
P.C. Stanup

[Note in Marsh's writing:] Ans[wered]. About $200. Will probably give him his tuition.