Letter about Who is Selling Liquor in Forest Grove
Letter about Who is Selling Liquor in Forest Grove
Letter addressed to President McClelland of Pacific University informing him that liquor is being sold in Forest Grove. There was no alcohol to be sold in Forest Grove, leading to this Portland detective to be hired by President McClelland. Agent record his findings, while also verbally notifying President McClelland of his findings.
Heims, James
Other Media
Dr. Thos. McClelland,
President, Pacific University,
Forest Grove, Oregon.
Dear Sit:--
I have your favor of the 22nd inst., requesting that we advise you more definitely regarding the clerk who sold the liquor to our agent at various times.
Replying,would state our agent informs me that he advised you of this verbally, however, we should have shown same in his report also. I enclose you supplementary report, giving the information desired by you.
Yours respectfully,
Jas. Heims Surpt.
President, Pacific University,
Forest Grove, Oregon.
Dear Sit:--
I have your favor of the 22nd inst., requesting that we advise you more definitely regarding the clerk who sold the liquor to our agent at various times.
Replying,would state our agent informs me that he advised you of this verbally, however, we should have shown same in his report also. I enclose you supplementary report, giving the information desired by you.
Yours respectfully,
Jas. Heims Surpt.