Spatial Coverage is exactly
Washington, D.C.
Oregon School Boards Association members meet with AuCoin
1980-1986 -
Newberg and Hillsboro high school students visit the Capitol and meet with Congressman AuCoin
1980-1989 -
Journal describing months following win in 1974 US House of Representatives election and first few months in Congress
November 1974-May 1975 -
"Kelly AuCoin" radio episode
2002 -
"Tribute to Howard Tihila, Outstanding Oregon Native" draft version of statement for Extension of Remarks
1980 -
Floor statement in support of abortion access
1989 -
"The Lost Innocence of Congressman AuCoin" article in the New York Times Magazine
1975 -
Letter from Attorney General clearing Representative Les AuCoin in House Bank investigation
1992 -
Joint Resolution limiting funding for Space Defense System
1985 -
Letter from Senator Joe Biden to Representative Les AuCoin about arms control speech
1987 -
Letter from Representative Morris Udall to Representative Les AuCoin on Alaska Lands Act
1990 -
"Confessions of a Former NRA Supporter" column in the Washington Post
1991 -
Congressional form letters on Chernobelsky case
1987 -
Explanation of START and 'Build-Down' charts prepared by Congressman Les AuCoin
1983 -
"Key Votes on MX Missiles, The 'Glass Jaw of Vulnerability' Issue Alert from Congressman Les AuCoin
1985 -
"Nuclear 'Build-Down': More First-Strike Weapons, Not Less" press release
1983 -
"To Combat the Menace of Nuclear War" pamphlet
1986 -
"What we don't know about the Nuclear Arms Race could destroy us all" pamphlet
1980-1983 -
"Introduction of Nuclear Weapons Material Production Termination Act" statement
1991 -
Summary Overview of the AuCoin-Synar Nuclear Weapon Material Production Termination Act
1991 -
Arms control form letter
1983 -
Nuclear Freeze form letter
1983 -
AuCoin Report on the MX missile
1983 -
"How Many MXs? How About Zero?" column in the Washington Post